Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Welcome to Entertain and Inspire, the professional blog of Jed M. Merrill!

Here I will publish thoughts on the entertainment business, along with research that will help you and others make more profitable films.

I have a BA in Communications, an MBA in Finance, and am working on an MBE, or Masters in Entertainment Business, at Full Sail University in 2012. I am also taking the Movie Producer Masters Class from Richard Dutcher, and am part of Project 23, details of which will be revealed later...

Do you make movies? You may be interested in this study that shows that G, PG, and PG-13 films make substantially more money than R films, on average.

From the study:

G > R

$47.6 million is the difference in revenue at the box office, on average, between a G-rated movie and an R-rated movie, according to an analysis of movie ratings and revenue by BYU economics students Craig O. Palsson (BA ’10) and Jared N. Shores (’12) and professor Joseph P. Price (BA ’03).

$81.3 million is the average revenue for a G-rated movie.

$65.5 million for a PG or PG-13 movie.

$33.7 million for an R-rated movie.

45 percent of the movies made each year are rated R; 3.5 percent are rated G.

Do you agree? Disagree? What really makes a movie profitable? I'd love to hear from you!

Jed Merrill